The bank set aside £ 1.1 billion to cover bad debts from business failures. 银行留出11亿英镑以抵消因企业倒闭而产生的坏账。
The merchant bank is being weighed down by a £ 1.3 billion book of bad debts. 这家商业银行因13亿英镑的呆账而忧心忡忡。
My business is in financial trouble because of a series of bad debts. 因为有许多收不回的债款,我的生意陷入了财政困难。
But banks are cheap, which allows for a big rise in bad debts before shareholders lose out. 但银行股确实便宜,在坏账大幅增加之前,投资者应该不会赔钱。
With bad debts mounting, one foreign investor calls the state of the banking system catastrophic. 坏账不断堆积,一名外国投资者形容乌克兰银行体系的现状是灾难性的。
Observers at home and abroad expressed concern about bad debts and the fragility of the banking industry. 国内外的观察家们对中国银行体系的坏账问题以及脆弱性表示担忧。
Nearly a thousand pounds 'worth of bad debts has boon written off as irrecoverable. 价值近一千英镑的债务作为不可收回的坏帐被注销了。
Study on Countermeasures of China's Bad Debts in Foreign Trade under International Financial Crisis 国际金融危机下中国外贸呆坏账对策研究
What about the bad debts left behind by past excesses? 那么以往疯狂借贷所留下的坏账又该作何处理?
Does this include provision for bad debts? 这栏应否包括坏帐准备?
Enterprises should be fully estimated bad debt losses that may occur will be the impact of gains and losses, bad debts on schedule extract prepared to break down the risk of bad debt losses. 企业应充分估计可能发生的坏账损失将对损益造成的影响,按期提取坏账准备以分解坏账损失风险。
But late payments can also signal bad debts. 但是,延迟还款也可表明坏帐。
Inflation reduces future bad debts by making debt servicing easier. 通胀减低偿债的难度,从而减少了未来的坏帐数量。
When bubbles end, bad debts invariably appear and the financial system suffers. 当泡沫破裂时,坏账总是会出现,金融体系将受到损害。
How to manage the accounts receivable and how to deal with bad debts and other problemsManagement has become a major issue that can not be evaded. 如何管理好应收账款以及如何处理企业的不良债权等问题,已经成为企业管理中不容回避的一个重大课题。
Collecting bad debts is often a difficult affair. 收呆帐往往是件棘手的事。
Which type of customer is riskiest/ has more overdue/ has more bad debts? 哪种类型的客户风险最大/更易延期付款/有更多的坏账?
The bank collapsed last May with millions owed in bad debts. 这家银行因有几百万元的坏账于去年五月份倒闭。
Just mark it off as a couple of bad debts! 算是吃了几笔倒账罢!
They were dragged down by worse-than-expected bad debts in its small business unit that spooked investors. 该行小企业部门的坏账情况要比预期的更糟糕,引起投资者的不安,拖累了该行股价。
Finally, it makes existing bad debts less onerous on the balance sheet. 最后,通胀将使资产负债表上的现有坏帐显得不那么繁重。
Bad debts are continuing to gnaw at the bank's profits. 坏帐不断地减少银行的利润。
The bank said these investments by local governments could lead to a surge in bad debts, however in the past infrastructure investments had created additional growth and been paid for through land sales and higher tax revenues. 世行表示,地方政府的这些投资,可能导致坏账激增,但从以往经验看,基础设施投资带来了额外的经济增长,并通过土地出售和更高的税收收入,收回了成本。
He included some bad debts among his assets. 他把一些呆账也算在他的财产中。
An estimated amount of bad debts, to be subtracted from a balance sheet's accounts receivable. 从资产负债表中的应收账款项下提取的坏账准备预算额。
Credit extended to state-owned enterprises, in the meantime, will inevitably result in more overcapacity and bad debts. 与此同时,对国有企业的信贷,势必导致更多过剩产能及坏账。
A large part of the potential bad debts are from commitments to lend over the next two years. 在潜在不良债务中,很大一部分来自承诺在未来两年内拨付的贷款。
The other question is will the financial system become clogged up by bad debts. 另一个问题是,金融体系是否会被坏账阻塞?
If it came to it, the European Central Bank could simply buy up all the bad debts. 必要时,欧洲央行(ecb)只需买下所有的坏账即可。